Plant boxes add nature and style into any home, putting in mind that the planter boxes tend to fit in with everything else. Planter boxes are of two kinds: permanent and movable planter boxes. Most permanent planter boxes are placed at the front of a home and merged into the house. Most movable planter boxes are placed anywhere around the house. Planter boxes can also be for growing flowers, herbs, vegetables, and, therefore, a comfortable and fantastic way to start a garden.

Choosing the right plant boxes is essential for the growth of the type of plant you intend to grow. You should put factors such as temperature or weather conditions of your local place into consideration before purchasing your planter boxes. Therefore, there are things that one needs to consider when selecting planter boxes;

· Size of the Planter Box

For a healthy garden, one needs to know which plant you intend to plant even before you settle on a size. Do not go for a small model; always take one with more space so that the roots can grow with enough leeway. Although most seed packets usually list container sizes, it is best to follow the instructions given and make things much more manageable.

Growing vegetables in plant boxes are relatively easy, especially if grown in larger containers since large containers can hold moisture longer and stay cool for longer.

plant boxes

· The material of the Planter Box

The material of the planter box will depend on the weather, type of plant, style, and personality you want to bring in your garden:

Terra Cotta Planters and Clay Pots- Clay planters are porous, durable, have lovely airflow for the roots, and have beautiful colors and finish. Unfortunately, they can crack if hit or in cold weather, and during sunny weather, they tend to dry out.

Stone Planters and Concrete Planters – Stone planters are very resistant no matter the weather. They bring out professionalism and can come in various colors. Unfortunately, they are bulky and costly and can destroy your plant’s roots if too much sunlight hits the concrete.

Metal Planters – These planters are for contemporary planters and are the best, especially for cold weather. They vary in weight; hence there is a broad choice. Otherwise, metal tends to rust, but most have a primer coating that can delay the rusting. In times of hot weather, it may destroy the plant’s roots.

Lightweight Planters – They are of fiberglass material. One can use these planters indoors and outdoors. They are inexpensive, durable and light, retain moisture, non-porous, and non-corrosive. Unfortunately, with time the fiberglass may not look as pretty as before.

Wooden Planters – A wooden planter is attractive, warm, and has a natural appearance. They retain water in cold weather hence very good for the roots.

· The shape of the Planter Boxes

Plant boxes have various shapes:

Window boxes – used for planting herbs and flowers

Deck rail boxes- used to plant herbs and flowers.

Contained boxes- used to plant shrubs, trees, and ground cover.

Infiltration planters and Flow-through planters are usually for draining stormwater.

Raised-bed planters are suitable where there are small spaces.

· Drainage of the Planter Box

You should not build planter boxes on surfaces where drainage is poor since insufficient drainage causes rotting roots. Ensure that the container has drainage holes and is frost resistant.

Gardening allows you to be creative, and as you develop the green thumb, you can continue to add more personality to the garden. With the right choice from the tips given, then your garden should flourish beautifully.